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Category: Site news

New blog / site

“Ah shit, here we go again”.
We’re well into 2019 and I have been saying to myself for years that it’s time I made something out of my website, and then I proceed to get bogged down in the technical stuff, the design and I rarely even get to the point where I start thinking about what content to put on the site.

Having it all backwards.
A thought occurs.. I have obviously been starting on precisely the wrong end of the process. The technology should enable the code. The code should facilitate the design, and what’s good design is predicated upon the content.

Changing focus.
So clearly the content must be front and center. I chose wordpress because of it’s ease of use and customizability. This enables me to get started with the content right away, and I can change the site to suit the content as it’s added.

Long-term viability.
So here’s hoping I can post some interesting content, and actually keep this thing alive long-term. For that reason I’ve decided the content I post here shouldn’t be limited to a narrow subject, because I’m someone who is interested in a wide range of subjects, which means I often prefer delving into a new topic before I’ve had the chance to fully explore the last one. That’s why I’ll choose to post about stuff I find interesting, whatever it may be. Here’s hoping whoever else may read this finds at least some of it interesting too.

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